Saturday, August 31, 2019

“A Visit of Charity” by Eudora Welty Essay

Is Eudora Welty successful in showing how human beings can be more interested in their own personal gains than the needs of others? Marian didn’t really want to visit the home for the elderly but she is a Campfire Girl and by taking out the time to go, she will gain points for offering her time to charity work. A gift of flowers was something that Marian brought to the home in order to make her visit look more genuine, but the apple that she brought; she hid outside so that none would think it was also a gift. There was no special person that she wanted to visit, she only wanted to do the job that she came for, earn her point and leave. She wears her Campfire Girls cap to show who she is and she is very afraid to be around a bunch of older people that she has never met, before, but the added point means so much to her that she is willing to visit this strange home. She is more interested in what she can gain from this visit than what she can offer to others. Addie wasn’t thrilled by Marian’s visit. She was a cranky old lady who didn’t even like her roommate and couldn’t stand to hear her talk about a bunch of nothing, all the time. Marian had pretty, yellow hair which she wore a white cap over and she dressed in her red coat as she observed the two women in the nursing home. She had a job to perform and so much to do in her life as she watched the two ladies who had nothing but each other. (Welty, 1980) In â€Å"A Visit of Charity†, Eudora Welty uses Marian as a character who acts in ways that many of us do at certain times in our lives, in performing deeds that are solely for ourselves, and sometimes we forget about the feelings of others. Welty demonstrates in this story that we need to not only try to work toward our own goals but at the same time, we need to consider the thoughts and emotions of others who are less fortunate. Marian is the girl who Welty chose to show that people, especially young individuals, sometimes forget about more important things as we search for awards and points that make us look and feel better about ourselves. To truly feel better about ourselves, we must consider the feelings of others and then we gain the biggest reward of all; knowing that we made someone else’s day a little brighter and more fulfilling. Marian still had many lessons to learn, in life about human kindness, and as she takes a big bite out of the apple, she shows that she had been more interested in her own personal gain in this visit. The author made you think about others in her writing. Eudora Welty clearly showed the selfishness that one can see in Marian’s visit to the nursing home and how she had so much to learn about the true meaning of sharing and giving of yourself in helping others who are less fortunate. I believe that Eudora Welty clearly showed that human beings are sometimes very capable of seeking out their own personal gain in life and are highly capable of not considering the feelings of others, as we do. Reference Page Welty, Marian. (1980) â€Å"A Visit of Charity†. Library of America. A Visit of Charity by Eudora Welty Essay Irony is the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. Eudora Welty successfully uses this literary technique to elucidate the theme of the story, â€Å"A Visit of Charity†. The title â€Å"A Visit of Charity† is rather ironic. Charity means to show kindness and sympathy towards others; however, no one in this story does such a thing. There are no charity from Marian’s, the nurse’s, the two old ladies, and the whole society’s point of view. How can there be charity when the old ladies are isolated from the society. In the story, Marian, â€Å"a young Campfire girl†, sets out a visit to the Old Lady House. She wears â€Å"a red coat and her straight yellow hair is hanging down loose from the pointed white cap all the little girls are wearing this year.† This suggests us that she is not a self-conscious individual. She pays the visit for unquestioning duty since all other campfire girls do so. Her motive is also for the points, which reward on her project. The author also gives way to Marian’s selfish nature when she states to the nurse that â€Å"I have to pay a visit to some old lady.† She shows little respect in the way she phrases her statement. By saying she has to pay a visit reinforces us think that she is there not of her own free will. She does not care who she visits, just as long as the person is an elderly woman. Another irony is used to help explaining the theme of the story as Marian enters the old ladies’ room. When Marian looks around the room, she feels like â€Å"being caught in a robber’s cave, just before being murdered.† She thinks the old ladies are robbers who are trying to steal her perception of the world; however, do they really steal Marian’s view of world? No, I think Marian gets fear because the old ladies give her a broader and truer sense of the reality, which she is reluctant to accept. â€Å"A visit of Charity† by Eudora Welty Essay In the short story, â€Å"A visit of Charity† by Eudora Welty, a fourteen -year old Campfire girl whose name is Marian, visits an elderly home to earn points. The way Marian slowly makes her way from the bus stop to the nursing home shows reluctance. The author’s purpose was to describe a young child’s experience with the elderly through emotions and descriptions of her actions. The author encloses several lurid details to help the readers understand how awful this experience was for the child. The title contradicts the meaning of the story, charity means generosity or kindness towards others, and no one in this story carries that out. People’s selfishness and insensitivity can blind them from humanity and the needs of others. The setting is a winter’s day at a home for elderly women. Outside of the home, there are â€Å"prickly dark shrubs with which the city had beautified the home†. These surroundings imply coldness, and abandonment. The ambiance points to the feeling of fear. The floors inside the building illustrate the awkwardness. The room that Marian ends up visiting is dark, the shade is drawn, and excess amounts of furniture. The wet smell of everything and the wet appearance of the bare floor imply that the cramped room is a more suitable for barn animals rather than humans. Marian compares the room to a robbers cave and the two women as the robbers. The setting of a story assists in painting a mental picture, which draws the reader into the story. (42) Characters bring a story to life; they help the reader connect with the story and its surroundings. The story begins with the young girl who is fearful of the home. The story leads the reader to believe that Marian is the protagonist, and the elderly home is the antagonist. Marian is a self-conscious, submissive, and harsh. She refers to one of the elderly women as an object to be used and discarded when she announces the purpose of her visit. â€Å"I’m a Campfire Girl†¦I have to pay a visit to some old lady†. These words and her frequent thoughts about the points she will get for the visit reveal her real reason for coming, self-gain. An old woman â€Å"Any will do† is an impersonal thing with no identity or personality. She also refers to them as animals in their motions and appearances. When the  girl runs out, she notices that the nurse is reading a Field & Stream magazine. All of these descriptions help the reader to understand what the home is like, and how she sees the world. (42) Welty uses description, symbolism, irony to get across the theme. The theme of the story is selfishness, although it is portrayed through fear. Marian is apprehensive about going into the home, but maintains her state of mind and goes in. In the beginning, the story leads the reader to believe that she truly has compassion. Although, it is a lie, she is there only for points. The author is expressing self-interest. Fear is a part in life and to concur those fears is contentment, but running away is not concurring. Marian does not portray the best image of a kind, cheerful Campfire Girl. Welty further suggests in this story that fake charity can destroy the very humanity it pretends to acknowledge and uphold. People like Marian acting either out of duty or for personal advantages have created the Home and the conditions that have made the inhabitants irritable and unlovable. Marian left the women more lonely and distraught than she found them. This kind of charity is uncharitable indeed.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Positive environment indoors and outdoors Essay

It’s comfortable, interesting, attractive and appropriate for the child or children who use it. For some children it becomes like a second home where they eat and sometimes sleep. A suitable environment for a young baby will be very different from a suitable environment for a four or five year old although some features will be the same. Environments should be attractive and make children feel safe and secure and happy to be there and they should also be places where children can confidently play and learn. Research framework that supports a positive environment for children At the heart of this framework is an approach which recognises the right of all young children to high quality relationships, environments and services which offer a holistic approach to meeting their needs. Such needs should be interpreted broadly and encompass play, learning, social relationships and emotional and physical wellbeing. This approach is important for all children but is of particular benefit in offering effective support to those children and families requiring higher levels of support. Early intervention has relevance to a wide range of social policy but it is particularly relevant in early years, which will often be the earliest and best opportunity to intervene. We have identified 4 principles of early intervention. In short, these are: †¢ we want all to have the same outcomes and the same opportunities; †¢ we identify those at risk of not achieving those outcomes and take steps to prevent that risk materialising; †¢ where the risk has materialised, we take effective action; †¢ we work to help parents, families and communities to develop their own solutions, using accessible, high quality public services as required Outcome 3 how to look after children’s skin, hair and teeth How does a positive environment and routine support children and their families emotional needs? It teaches children how to behave with people in general, so it would help children know how to communicate with their parents and families positively and how to speak to visitors politely. It could also help children to talk to staff about worries they have if the staff are positive and approachable. Having a positive environment also allows parents to talk to the staff and feel included and equal. why is it important for children to have physical and mental time? Basics for a child’s good physical health: Nutritious food Adequate shelter and sleep Exercise Immunizations Healthy living environment Basics for a child’s good mental health: Unconditional love from family Self-confidence and high self-esteem The opportunity to play with other children Encouraging teachers and supportive caretakers Safe and secure surroundings Appropriate guidance and discipline Give children unconditional love. Love, security and acceptance should be at the heart of family life. Children need to know that your love does not depend on his or her accomplishments. Mistakes and/or defeats should be expected and accepted. Confidence grows in a home that is full of unconditional love and affection. Nurture children’s confidence and self-esteem. Praise Them – Encouraging children’s first steps or their ability to learn a new game helps them develop a desire to explore and learn about their surroundings. Allow children to explore and play in a safe area where they cannot get hurt. Assure them by smiling and talking to them often. Be an active participant in their activities. Your attention helps build their self-confidence and self-esteem. Set Realistic Goals – Young children need realistic goals that match their ambitions with their abilities. With your help, older children can choose activities that test their abilities and  increase their self-confidence. Be Honest – Do not hide your failures from your children. It is important for them to know that we all make mistakes. It can be very re-assuring to know that adults are not perfect. Avoid Sarcastic Remarks – If a child loses a game or fails a test, find out how he or she feels about the situation. Children may get discouraged and need a pep talk. Later, when they are ready, talk and offer assurance. Encourage children – To not only strive to do their best, but also to enjoy the process. Trying new activities teaches children about teamwork, self-esteem and new skills. Encourage Children to Play To children, play is just fun. However, playtime is as important to their development as food and good care. Playtime helps children be creative, learn problem-solving skills and learn self-control. Good, hardy play, which includes running and yelling, is not only fun, but helps children to be physically and mentally healthy. Children Need Playmates Sometimes it is important for children to have time with their peers. By playing with others, children discover their strengths and weaknesses, develop a sense of belonging, and learn how to get along with others. Consider finding a good children’s program through neighbors, local community centers, schools, or your local park and recreation department. Parents Can be Great Playmates Join the fun! Playing Monopoly or coloring with a child gives you a great opportunity to share ideas and spend time together in a relaxed setting. Play for Fun  Winning is not as important as being involved and enjoying the activity. One of the most important questions to ask children is â€Å"Did you have fun?’’ not â€Å"Did you win?† In our goal-oriented society, we often acknowledge only success and winning. This attitude can be discouraging and frustrating to children who are learning and experimenting with new activities. It’s more important for children to participate and enjoy themselves Why is it important for children to have quiet and rest time? He body need  time each day to recover from all the activity it has been doing, this is achieved through sleep and rest. There are 3 levels of quiet period. -sleep times are especially required for babies and toddlers, try to make sure that daytime naps are planned for the early afternoon so that the child will still sleep at night. -rest periods are needed for toddlers and pre-school -queit activitites are essential for all age groups as a break between other activities and a chance to recuperate these include things such as story time, doing a quiet activity ort listening to music all of which should use material that is soothing and not stimulating. Older children may enjoy watching tv for a short period of time Explain the basic nutrional requirements of children and young people Plenty of fruit and vegetables – children’s growing bodies require good nutrition and fruit and veg contain a multiple of vitamins, minerals and other healthy compounds. Citrus fruits and strawberries are rich in immunce system boosting vitamin C, carrots are loaded with eye health vitamin A and spinach is a good source if iron. Eating well also decreases the chance of childhood obesitiy and encourages health life style. Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice ,pasta and other starchy foods-starchy foods are a good source of energy and the mains source of a range of nutrients in a child diet, as well as starch they contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins. The protein helps a childs body to grow and repair itself, the fibre helps get rid of waste products, and B vitamins help release energy and help to body to work properly. Some milk and dairy foods-milk and dairy products provide calcium, phosphorous, magenesium and protein which are all essential for health bone growth and development which can prevent and protect children from diseases such as brittle bone disorder later in life. The amounts of calcium in dair products are also beneficial for the development and maitainance of health teeth. Some meat, fish, eggs ,beans and other non-dairy sources of protein- these foods are rich in protein which is needed for lots of functions throughout the body, it is also a good source of vitamin B12 and iron which will help prevent iron deficincy anaemia, which is a common condition found in children and can result in children having little energy and looking pale. Explain the governments guidance on a balanced nutritional diet? The UK’s national food guide, the eatwell plate, defines the government’s advice on a healthy balance diet. The eatwell plate is a visual representation of how different foods contribute towards a healthy balanced diet. The plate model has been tested extensively with consumers and health professionals. The size of the segments for each of the food groups is consistent with government recommendations for a diet that would provide all the nutrients required for a healthy adult or child (over the age of 5). The eatwell plate, based on the 5 food groups, makes healthy eating easier to understand by giving a visual representation of the types and proportions of foods needed for a healthy balanced diet. Choosing a variety of foods from within the 4 main food groups will add to the range of nutrients consumed. This includes: plenty of fruit and vegetables  plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods some milk and dairy foods  some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources of protein Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar are not essential to a healthy diet, and should be consumed only in small amounts. Full weeks menu for placement. Where would you store the information on the child/young person who has their dietary needs? This information is made clear to all memebers of staff as we all help with dinner time, it is also kept in the childs file and is kept in the kitchen and on the side of the fridge. Who would know this information? Everyone at nursery is made aware as well all take part in food times Explain the basic food safety when providing food and drink to children/young people? Cover food= food is kept covered at all times to stop any dust, or flies that may get onto the food. Food is also cover to stop if from going bad/stale before it is given out to the children Label children’s own items- if a child brings in their own food/drink it is recorded in the base room of that child’s diary it is made aware to all  members of staff that the food has been brought in for that specific child. It is labeled with the child’s full name and base room and is stored correctly In date= all food is checked daily for food that is going out of date or is out of date, we give food out from the dates which are closer to becoming out of date first. If food has become out of date it is thrown away. Provide plates=plates are touched with staff who wear gloves and are washed in the dishwasher whenever they are used, the plates are dried then put away is a cupboard Wear gloves/aprons when dealing with food= all memebers of staff who are in the conservatory have to wear gloves when giving out food or drink or helping children with their dinner. Aprons are worn by the cook when preparing all meals Let child/young people choose their own food= at placement we give the child an option of a different side either beans,spaghetti, rice or so on the child is shown two bowls and points to the bowl they want the child does not tough the food in the bowl and when had been given a bowl canot swap for something else. How should a baby’s bottle be warmed=babys bottles are warmed by either poorinh water into the kettle boiling it then added the the baby’s milk and left to cool or if able to the babys bottle is heated in the microwave and left to cool.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Major Forces Shaping the U.S. Economy Essay

Three issues will shape the economy’s performance the next 18 months. To what extent will consumer spending slow? What is the outlook for business expenditures? Will the Federal Reserve go too far in raising rates? Commentators and pundits are prone to say that consumers are â€Å"in great shape,† |†still going strong,† â€Å"resilient,† and so on. While it is easy to get caught up in this optimism, there is a need to focus more on the finances that underlie this spending. On a basic analysis, it will quickly become apparent that household finances are stretched to the point where slowdown can be expected, perhaps a significant slowdown, in consumer spending the next 6-12 months. Some of the reasons behind such a possibility are: Interest Rates: With the overall cost of credit rising since 2004, Americans with large outstanding balances on their credit cards, home equity loans, and adjustable rate mortgages are starting to feel the pinch. The Explosion in Household Debt. For years, Americans have been spending far more than what they have been earning. With borrowing costs historically low and home equity values increasing, consumers piled up on debt to finance a level of consumption that far exceeded their income growth. In the last five years, Americans have increased their total outstanding debt by $5 trillion. (To put that number in context, corporate sector debt jumped by about $1 trillion in that time frame, while federal government debt rose by $1. 3 trillion). That $5 trillion in additional liabilities brought total outstanding household debt to a record $11. 8 trillion. Servicing this massive liability was certainly easier when interest rates were low. But after a steady rally of rising rates, the burden of carrying those IOUs has now gotten much harder. Gasoline Costs. In addition to servicing that huge debt, Americans will need to part with more money for gasoline in coming months. A few other reasons on this line are: Rising Healthcare Costs Marginal Growth in Real Income Tougher Personal Bankruptcy Laws A Boost to Savings because of Rising Interest Rates The cumulative effects of these factors will depress consumer spending the second half of the year and probably through the first half of 2007. What is the Outlook for Business Expenditures: Since consumer outlays make up 70% of all U. S. economic activity, the expected slowdown in household spending will have a palpable impact on the economy. Fortunately, what will keep the economy out of any serious trouble is business spending. Driving capital expenditures this year will be strong profits, high capacity utilization rates, strong foreign demand for U. S. products, global competitive pressures, and that the cost of capital remains relatively low. Will the Federal Reserve Go Too Far in Raising Rates: So long as the Fed does not go too far in raising rates, a level that can be defined as above 5. 50%, the threat of recession is nil this year and next. Led by weaker consumer spending a softer housing market, U. S. economic activity can slow markedly in the second half of 2006 and last through the first half of 2007. However, strong business expenditures and a pick up in exports will keep the economy out of any serious trouble. Of course, should the economy suddenly be sideswiped by a serious external shock, the threat of recession becomes more real. The severity and timing of the downturn will depend on the nature of the shock. While there are numerous risks that bear close watching — such as the war in Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian talks, North Korea, 2006 hurricane season, Venezuela, Nigeria —the threats that have the greatest probability of materializing involve Iran, a terrorist strike on Saudi oil facilities, and an Avian flu human pandemic (Baumohl).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Role of Relationship Marketing in Online and Traditional Marketing Dissertation

Role of Relationship Marketing in Online and Traditional Marketing Approaches - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that with the introduction of new technological platforms in which to attract customers, the use of online marketing strategies has increased exponentially in recent years. However, there is no clear evidence of how this transition from traditional marketing to online marketing is affecting the telecommunication industry of the United Kingdom. Moreover, the role of relationship marketing in both online and traditional marketing is yet to be explored. Popularity of online marketing has increased in the recent years. With the increase in the numbers of internet users, marketers are more inclined to approach consumers using online sources. Online marketing is providing businesses with an opportunity to attain more with given level of inputs. There is a clear shift from traditional marketing to online marketing however it is yet to be explored how this transition is affecting the telecommunication industry of the United Kingdom. In a comparativ e sense, there are questions of how different online marketing strategies vary from traditional marketing and in what ways they relate to each other. Clearly, there is a link between the two forms of marketing but less evidence exists on the role of relationship marketing in both traditional and online marketing approaches. This study will explore how these two approaches of marketing are similar or different and what is role of relationship marketing in enhancing the effectiveness of these modes.... using the focus group interview methodology has identified major trends and themes in online and traditional marketing techniques used by Virgin Mobile, UK. These results present implications for the players in the telecommunication industry. 1. INTRODUCTION Popularity of online marketing has increased in the recent years. With the increase in the numbers of internet users, marketers are more inclined to approach consumers using online sources. Online marketing is providing businesses with an opportunity to attain more with given level of inputs (Haegele, 2001). There is a clear shift from traditional marketing to online marketing however it is yet to be explored how this transition is affecting the telecommunication industry of the United Kingdom. In a comparative sense, there are questions of how different online marketing strategies vary from traditional marketing and in what ways they relate to each other (Mirzaei, 2012). Clearly, there is a link between the two forms of marketin g but less evidence exists on the role of relationship marketing in both traditional and online marketing approaches. This study will explore how these two approaches of marketing are similar or different and what is role of relationship marketing in enhancing the effectiveness of these modes. 1.1 Research Aims and Objectives The aim of the research is to â€Å"examine the differences and similarities between online marketing and traditional marketing while exploring the role of relationship marketing in both these forms; UK's telecommunication industry (specifically Virgin Mobile) is selected as a case for the assessment†. Following are the objectives of this study: 1 To compare traditional marketing and internet/social-media marketing approaches used by Virgin Mobile, UK from a

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Annotated Bibliography Example Baltes, B. B., Finkelstein, L. M., Van, V. A. E. M., Dalhoeven, B. A. G. W., & De, P. I. E. (2011, February 04). Aging and training and development willingness: Employee and supervisor mindsets. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(2), 226-247. The authors published their results of employee development research. They focused on figuring out the relationship between the willingness of employee to obtain training and development and their age. Researchers even found out what factors have led to the creation of these relationships. In this research they study the perception of the supervisors regarding the link between age and an employee’s willingness to get trained. This research is helpful in identifying the mindset of both employees and supervisors regarding the importance of training and development. Before training is provided to employees, a needs analysis is conducted. Training needs analysis helps in figuring out who needs to be training, what kind of training is needed and why the training is required. Jean Barbazette, the writer of this text book focuses on all issues regarding training needs analysis. This book provides a huge variety of methods and techniques used to conduct a training needs analysis. The text book even provides information regarding why a training needs assessment is necessary. Donnelly conducted this research during the period of 2009. This research focuses on the importance of mobile learning through various technological advancements. Research even studied how the method of mobile learning can be manipulated by organizations to attain a competitive edge and to fight the difficult economic conditions. The researchers figured out that mobile learning can be conducted through devises that users carry around easily with themselves. These devises include MP3 players and mobile phones and these can be used to enhance the performance of employees. Gitman et

Education - Field Placement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education - Field Placement - Essay Example Furthermore when theoretical lessons were taught, discussion between students was not allowed. The rules were not posted in the classroom but were an understanding between the teacher and the students. 3. Teacher Procedures The most common procedure for distributing materials used by the teacher is emailing these materials to students. Other than this method the teacher also prints class based materials and distributes them physically to all the students in class (Walberg, 2010). These physical materials generally include instructions. The materials in class are collected through email as the students email their work to the teacher. Classroom helpers are assigned by the teacher on a need basis that is when the teacher feels a requirement to do so. These helpers are designated by oral instructions of the teacher. Students can ask the teacher to go to the bathroom at anytime by raising their hand. Moreover the teacher has all the relevant teaching materials well organized before each lesson. 4. Instructional Activities The teacher grabs student attention by pedagogical design and through intervention. The instructions of the teacher are highly simplified to make them clear to all kinds of students in class. In order to refresh the attention spans of children the teacher allows for activities in between theoretical lessons and instructions. ... The students are encouraged to interact with the teacher and amongst themselves but in allocated time spaces. For example the students interact with the teacher at the end of instructions for clarifications. Similarly students are allowed to interact with each other when deemed necessary by the teacher and are allowed free discourse. As the students are working the teacher moves around the classroom in a bid to gauge their efforts at work and advises them for corrections where required. After the end of seat activity the teacher monitors students through effective feedback from the students themselves. 5. Monitoring Student Behavior Groups are formed based on the students’ performance in the last three tests. This method ensures that each group consists of children who perform well, average and poorly. Such group composition ensures that the poor performers learn from those doing better. When working individually the students are seated separate from each other at a specific d istance from each other such that they cannot peak at other’s work. Materials are distributed to students who further disperse them amongst themselves but talking is not allowed while the distribution of materials proceeds. The teacher actively ensures that materials are used safely and intervenes if felt necessary. Talk and movement is neither allowed nor encouraged during work unless absolutely necessary for some reason. The students can grab the teacher’s attention for queries or other reasons by simply raising one hand in the air after which the teacher addresses their concern. Similarly the teacher grabs student attention by either calling their name or pointing to them (Lovat, Toomey, & Clement, 2010). When students work in small groups they are seated together such

Monday, August 26, 2019

Students with Intellectual Disabilities Coursework

Students with Intellectual Disabilities - Coursework Example Students with intellectual disabilities face the dilemma of high-stakes testing. Some students with intellectual disabilities are expected to complete such tests although the tests are beyond their capabilities. The expectations set by professionals are too high as students with intellectual disabilities are expected to learn from the same curriculum as those without disabilities. In some institutions, they are seen as the cause of school failure to attain federally mandated goals of sufficient yearly progress. Even though learning the core curriculum is essential for students with intellectual disabilities, there are several disadvantages of setting the standards too high. Students with intellectual disabilities face the challenge of self-determination during their transition from childhood to adulthood. There is a difficulty of understanding the concept of self-determination in the transition process. They receive little assistance from parents and teachers in using their self-dete rmination skills. In the end, they are not sufficiently prepared to face the IEP team and participate in meetings. In addition, teachers face some barriers in teaching self-determination. Firstly, based on traditional special education instruction models, teachers assume that students with intellectual disabilities cannot comprehend the decisions made during transition and IEP meetings. Secondly, the program design for the individual needs of students is not compatible with the expectations set by IDEA and NCLB.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in Sportswear Marketing Literature review

The Effect of Celebrity (Athlete) Endorsements in Sportswear Marketing on the Consumer's perception of the Product and Overall Purchasing Decision - Literature review Example Celebrity endorsement Several athletes have gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has made them be sought for purpose of brand image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who are celebrities enjoy recognition from the public and hence are at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotion tools. Therefore; image is enough to cause a great and easy influence to targeted consumers (Kahle & Homer, 1985, pp.954-961). Celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the strategy when used as a form of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desiring and making purchases (Damian & Admap, 2010, pp.42-43). Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a high competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industr y are fighting for the same consumers. Special considerations are placed on attributes that are possessed by celebrities (Daneshvary & Schwer, 2000, pp.203-213). Different people have different cultural background which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and people’s way of life. Therefore; it is important for the selected endorser to have vast qualities which are consistent and in line with consumer’s cultural expectations (Ohanian, 1991, pp.46-53). Practices done by the athlete should not provide a negative influence in that the products get to be despised due to the unethical habits he displays (Walker, et al., 1992, pp.69-76). Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on... As the report stresses that several athletes have gained status through achievements and created good image for themselves in sports industry. This has made them be sought for purpose of brand image marketing and general selling of products. Athletes who are celebrities enjoy recognition from the public and hence are at a good position to market consumer goods by appearing in brand promotion tools. Image is enough to cause a great and easy influence to targeted consumers. This paper declares that celebrity endorsement is used in marketing and requires perfect blending of the strategy when used as a form of advertisement. For instance, Nike has put in place all possible measures in promoting its brand to motivate and influence consumers into desiring and making purchases. Assimilation of superstars in its advertisement campaigns ensures that they maintain a high competitive advantage in sportswear industry since other firms in the industry are fighting for the same consumers. Special considerations are placed on attributes that are possessed by celebrities. Different people have different cultural background which at all times drive them into making decisions. The decisions are made on the kind of norms beliefs and people’s way of life. Sportswear Company puts special emphasis on characteristics which celebrity possesses before selecting him to be used in brand endorsement. Brands to be endorsed should fall within the area of expertise of celebr ity so that one does not give contradicting messages to consumers which is opposite with how they are perceived to be.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Key points in plot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Key points in plot - Essay Example Larch to let him know that they needed some assistance. The historical time mentioned in the novel shows how people at the time lived and their sources of help by churches and hospitals that helped them at the time during the world war one. During this hard time people especially social workers and other workers needed help from well-wishers to assist in the dire time of need. The mention of world war two in the novel is also seen as Homer lives on the Worthington estate in a bunkhouse called the Cider House as Wally leaves to fight in the world war. This shows the struggle that the different states went through and the struggle that the military had to go through to fight for their country as service men for their country. The historical setting of the book is of the world war times as it mentions the different backgrounds of the world wars. The cider house rules is a novel that shares the different opinions on abortion and how it has affected the people from time in memorial the different characters have a role to have their view. There are other views that one would share such as prostitution that are mentioned in the book. The novel shows that issues that were discussed long time ago are still issues that are currently discussed at the present

Friday, August 23, 2019

Court report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Court report - Essay Example The court tries and decides appeals from lower courts on matters of public concern to settle legal contentions and uncertainties surrounding the questions presented before the bench. This report aims at exploring the Acts applicable the trial of an accused depending on the crime committed. It outlines the activities regarding the relationship among the persons present in the courtroom during trial. It further explores the rights of the accused before conviction. During a court process, members of the public follow court proceedings from a public gallery to ensure the legal process open and transparent. Before accessing the gallery, those in attendance undergo rigorous security checks to ensure safety during the court process. Upon arrival in the courtroom, I accessed a list of cases being tried on that particular day. The trial involved a defendant charges on two accounts. On the first account, the defendant was facing charges of the possession of marijuana. On the second account was the intent of peddling and supply of the same. Under the UK drug act, possession and peddling of the drugs face penalties depending on the classification of the drug in question. Illegal drugs are categorized into different classes; hard drugs like cocaine and heroin are under class A and attract severe penalties. Marijuana and anabolic steroids are categorized under class B and attract lesser penalties compared to class A (UK Government, 2015). The drugs polic y also stipulates different penalties for the intended use of the drugs. If an accused is arrested with large amounts of drugs and cash at the same time, he is charged for drug trafficking and distribution. That is a serious felony and can attract a life imprisonment sentence depending on the classification of the drug. The punishment also depends on factors such as geographical distribution of the substance. Considerations are applicable to defining whether minors were involved in trafficking

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Theory of Gravity Essay Example for Free

Theory of Gravity Essay Of all the current nuclear fusion reactor experiments JET and ITER are the largest. JET, Joint European Torus, based in Culham Science Centre in the UK, is the centre of Europes fusion research. JET is currently the worlds largest tokomak capable of delivering up to 30 MW of power, it is used by more than 20 European Countries and also used by international scientists. It is used to test the conditions that will be in use by commercial fusion power plants. JET began in 1978, in operation since 1983 and in November of 1991 became the first experiment to produce controlled nuclear fusion power. It has been a stepping stone for ITER, producing parameters that have been vital in its production. In 1997 a record of 16 MW of energy were produced by JET using the mixed deuterium-tritium fuel with an input of 24 MW; a 65% ratio. ITER, originally standing for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor but dropped due to negative connotations of thermonuclear especially combined with the word experimental. ITER began in 1985, but it was only until 2005 that the south of France was decided on as a location for the reactor. ITER is supported by many countries worldwide including the USA, the EU, the Russian Federation, India, China, Korea and Japan. In November 2006, and agreement was signed which formed the international ITER organisation who owns the device and all aspects of the project. ITER was formulated because it was agreed that a larger and more powerful reactor was needed to emulate conditions in a commercial reactor and demonstrate its feasibility. ITER is built from the collective research made by all the many fusion experiments worldwide; a collaborative effort to provide cheap, clean fuel for many future generations. The first plasma is predicted to be produced by 2016. Nuclear Fusion is entirely feasible as a future energy source though it will be a long time before they will overtake traditional natural resources in terms of percentage of the Earths energy provided. Estimated put it around 2050 until fusion power plants are in full commercial use. It is proven that fusion is the most efficient energy source we have to date; 4 times more than that of nuclear fission. It is inherently safe, and there is no hazardous waste except some radioactive materials from free neutrons, though in future designs this could be eradicated. Research is currently going well; all that remains is for bigger more powerful models and with ITER on the horizon it will not be long before a self sustaining fusion reaction with a positive output is achieved. This means well into the future 100% waste free fusion plants could provide nearly all of the worlds electricity, resulting in a clean safe environment with a massively reduced threat of global warming. Bibliography C. R. Nave, 2006, HyperPhysics, viewed 13 September 2008 http://hyperphysics. phy-astr. gsu. edu/hbase/hframe. html David Sang, 1995, Nuclear and Particle Physic, 2nd Ed. Thomas Nelson and Sons ltd.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hans Arp Essay Example for Free

Hans Arp Essay We have already studied different artists from different fields throughout this course. By studying those artists, we have known their life and influences within the people around them, their followers, and also to the society. By knowing other artists from different fields and genre, this paper had come up into a new path of knowing one of the French painters during early 19th century. By knowing this artist, another knowledge and learning will be shared within the course. This paper will focus of Hans Arp’s life and influences. The main purpose of the paper is to show the works of Hans Arp throughout his career and how his influences influenced him and other artists by his sense of creativity and passion. Jean Arp also known as Hans Arp was born on September 16, 1887 in Strasbourg. He went through different places and countries in the world to find his self and sense. As the age of 17, Hans Arp went to Paris to explore his sense of art. Through his journey, he started to acquire the goodness of modern art. At this time, he started painting different artifacts during his inspired moments. At the age of 18 in 1905, he attended some courses of painting to Professor Ludwig von Huffman. After two years, he tried to enter Julian Academy to attend some other courses. After three years of obtaining knowledge, he went to Switzerland to start his journey as a painter. He met different painters whom he became part of. He founded the organization, which he named as â€Å"Moderner Bund† or the Modern League. Along with other painters, Arp went through different exhibits from 1911 to 1913 in different places of Switzerland and other countries. He met Apollinaire, Arthur Cravan, Max Jacob, Picasso, and Mondigliani whom became his colleagues and friends for many years. They all met in Paris. In 1911 he was influenced by the abstractions of Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) and participated in his Der Blaue Reiter exhibitions in Munich; later Cubism greatly impressed him. Then he was interested by the idea of spontaneous creativity of the human subconscious mind and this idea became dominant in his art. He created collages with torn paper, letting the pieces fall freely on a surface and then gluing them to the places where they fell down. Because of many influences coming from different painters during his younger years, his work of arts became patterns of those painters though pertaining to his own attack to his arts. He had gone through different painters that he thought would give him better knowledge and great impression of his future paintings and other creations. As he created different forms of canvass and other painting strategies, he was introduced to many other famous artists that gave him the courage to create more intensive art works that manifested within his paintings and other artworks. From 1915 to 1919, he became a well-known painter having different exhibits of his paintings in Zurich. Despite of the declaration of war during those years, he remained firm from all his works from different genres and ideologies. After many years of fulfilling his talents and skills, he married Sophie Teuber in 1922 who became his collaborator aside from being his wife. On the outbreak of the WWI, Jean Arp settled in Zurich, Switzerland, where he was involved in the emerging Dada movement. During the 1920s he produced many abstract reliefs in wood, but after 1928 he worked increasingly in three dimensions, making sculptures in the round. These sculptures are simple, abstract shapes suggestive of organic forms found in nature. Arps sculptures impressed the Surrealists, especially Joan Miro, and his influence is also evident in the work of Henry Moore. However, painting was not his only talent that many people have witnessed. He was also a sculpture and a poet. He sculptured the famous â€Å"Human Concretion† in 1935. He also wrote different poems that can be connected to his paintings and sculptures. Creating his poems was his way of creating an abstract of his paintings and sculptures. That is why along with the abundance of his paintings and sculptures are his free-verse poems. Based on his historical accounts, Hans Arp was not just a simple painter having simple dreams and purpose in life. He also showed his way of striving hard to perform changes within his environment. He was involved in the Surrealism – a movement showing their advocacy regarding the issues and conflicts within their society. It brought further idea of Arp’s identity as he put a new trend of liberalism through paintings, sculpture, and poetry. Finally settling in Paris, Arp became involved in the Surrealist movement. He joined the Cercle et Carre group in 1930 and helped to found the Abstraction-Creation group a year later. During World War II, Arp fled to Switzerland, returning to Meudon, outside of Paris after the war. He won the International Sculpture Prize at the Venice Biennale in 1954 and created a relied for the Unesco building in Paris in 1958. After a long journey of success, Hans Arp died at the age of 79 in Solduno, Switzerland on June 7, 1966. However, before he died, he was not just a painter, sculpture, and poet with amazing thinking and ideas but also a speaker of UNESCO through his paintings. He speaks for UNESCO’s building by painting it in a mural relief. Because of his creations coming from his own thoughts and ideas, he has influenced many other painters and sculptures during and after his generation until this present generation. He had opened a new way to convey the message of paintings and sculptures as well as poems. Because he had grown through other’s influences to his works and life, he also became one of the influences of many artists today because of his magnificent contribution in the world of art. It can be said that his paintings, sculptures, and poems are simple in a literal sense, but if we tend to analyze its meaning and essence, we could obtain further knowledge and learning from his work of arts due to its big impact especially to those who really know how to describe the meanings of his paintings and other creations. As a whole, Hans Arp’s life does not contain many struggles and pains. He was just a contented painter, sculpture, and poet during his time. Despite of his success, he remained firm to what he wanted and purpose in life. In contradiction from his paintings, sculptures, and poems, his life was not a complex situation. Though he had married two times, it was not became a problem on how he managed his life. Therefore, he knows how to create a line and path to what he wants to pursue with his life like the way he draw and mould his creations. Works Cited Abcgallery. com. Jean (Hans) Arp. (n. d. ) 1 December 2007.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Competitive analysis of the Nigerian telecoms industry

Competitive analysis of the Nigerian telecoms industry I shall discuss the Nigerian Telecoms industry with particular reference to mobile telephony and data transmission via handhelds. My emphasis would be on the period post liberalization of the industry from the monopoly of the state owned carrier , Nitel. I focus on the structure, the key players in it and the competitive forces at play in the industry, leading to a discussion on how best a new entrant can come into this industry and a summary of recommendations. Structure of the Market Since the mid 80s, M-Tel, a subsidiary of Nitel the national carrier has enjoyed a monopoly of the Nigeria Mobile telephony industry, providing just 40,000 connected lines to subscribers nationwide (Doyle McShane, 2001, p. 10). The establishment of the sectors independent regulator, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) in 1999 (Corporate Nigeria, 2010, p. 152)and the award in January 2001, via an auction, of three GSM spectrum licenses to MTN, CIL ( aka GLO) and Econet Wireless Nigeria Ltd liberalized the market. Today the market is made of primarily the five GSM companies, GLO, M-Tel, MTN, Airtel ( formerly Zain), Etisalat and 4 key CDMA companies, Visafone, Starcomms, Multilinks and Zoom. Last week, Visafone announced the takeover of Multilinks and have commenced their post-merger integration exercise. There are indications that further consolidation especially within the fringe CDMA companies is imminent. Fig 1 below highlights the relative market share within the key pl ayers. PESTLE Analysis of the Market; Political: Nigeria is in the middle of an election that has attracted so much interest (Mordi Versi, 2011, p. 24) initial signs indicate the process will be fairest in the history of the country (Asante, 2011)and could lead to emergence of a more stable, progressive democracy (Obayiuwana, 2011). An active and free media continues to challenge the politicians to higher standards of governance. Economic The local currency the naira has held steady against the dollar at N150 to USD 1, curbing inflationary tendencies (Corporate Nigeria, 2010, p. 34). However, inflation continue to be in double digits. GDP is estimated at $357.2 billion PPP , no. 32 in the Global table of PPP. Listed on Goldman Sachs Next Eleven world economies in 21st Century, Nigeria is a country with huge growth potentials. (Corporate Nigeria, 2010). Debt relieve through the Paris Club significantly increases the countries ability to invest in much needed infrastructure e.g power, roads, education and health (BMI, Q1-2011, p. 9) Socio-Cultural At 923,000 sq km of land, 250 ethnic groups, 521 languages, approximately 150million people (Corporate Nigeria, 2010, p. 12), Nigeria is huge and diversed and this diversity comes with its challenges with ethnic violence and sectional unrest. The country is also struggling with a poor reputation with corruption and internet fraud. The country has taken steps towards laundering her image with the set up of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which has arraigned 18 fraud syndicates, shut down 800 fraudulent websites, and over 5000 emails working in collaboration with Microsoft. (Corporate Nigeria, 2010) . With over 80% of the population below 40 years and 40% below 15 years, Nigeria is a young market. However, official unemployment rate is quoted as 19.7% , arguably, the real unemployment figures are much higher. Technology; With the arrival in Nigeria of MainOne, and Glo 1, two submarine fiber-optic high bandwidth cables linking Nigeria to Europe, complimenting the already existent SAT-1, data transmission becomes more affordable and easily accessible (BMI, Q1-2011, p. 23). The recent issue of four WiMAX licenses by NCC and existing 2.5G, 3G, CDMA2000, GPRS and UMTS technologies, wireless access will grow dramatically in the next 2-3 years. (Hosn, 2011) Legal and Regulatory The main law governing the Nigerian telecoms industry is the Nigerian Communications Act of July 2003 amending the Act of 1992 (Hosn, 2011, p. 7), this act ended the monopoly enjoyed by Nitel, created the regulatory body National Communications Commission ( NCC) and enabled the entry of more players into the market, leading to increased competition and a downward pressure on prices for mobile telephony services (Hosn, 2011, p. 17) Respect for Intellectual property (IP) rights is low and Legal protection is weak (BMI, Q1-2011, p. 10) Porter 5 Forces Model Analysis : The barriers to entry into this market are medium, with the key consideration being the liscense fees to be paid and potential investment in buildout of the network , depending on the model the entrant adopts, The Buyer Power is high, as intense competition and the choices now available to the customers lowers prices. The Regulators very aggressive drive to drive these prices even lower gives the customer more power. There are very few substitutes to mobile telephony in Nigeria, as the fixed lines are few and not widely adopted. Supplier power is as potential buyers of their goods is few and most of the telcos already have their prefered suppliers and its hard to unseat an incumbent. Competitive Intensity: The SIM Registration regulation passed by Nigerian perliament and the number portability planned for later in the years will significantly increase competition and increase churn, as it eases customers flight to quality service without the inconvinience of lossing your number (BMI, Q1-2011, p. 61) The table above highlights the fact that the Telecoms market in Nigeria is quite concentrated with HH Index of 2904.90 and a Concentration Ration of the top four player (CR4 )exceeding 90% which suggest that industry is susceptible to collusion and price fixing. In reality, this is not the case as the competition is intense and in fact there is an ongoing tarrif war in the Nigeria Telecoms market (Adebayo, 2011, p. 36) (Daniels, 2011, p. 64) however this predominately in the voice services (Ammar, 2011, p. 38). This competitive intensity has resulted in significant drop in cost of services and a corresponding drop in Average Revenue Per User ( ARPU), a key indicator of market profitability even as the customer base has grown dramatically as indicated in Figure 4. below. However, the downward trend of ARPU matches the upwards trend of growth in subscriber base for both voice and data services as shown in Figure 5 below. Although the penetration fo the voice service is very high, data service penetration is still in its infancy and growing much faster than voice services as evidenced by the growth of 3G phone and internet subscriptions. This trend is collaborated by Figure 5 in the trending up of data ARPS. Figure 6 also highlights the trending up of churn, which is likely to continue with the implementation of number portability planned for 2012 by the regulator. Number portability will significantly increase both incidental churn e.g. due financial contingencies, location or life style changes and deliberate churn e.g due pricing, poor customer service or network problems (Jahanzeb Jabeen, 2007, p. 122). Strengths and Weaknesses typically characterize internal situations of a business, but I shall discuss them from an industry structure perspective here. Strengths The mobile telecoms industry has continued to grow even with the introduction of compulsory SIM registration. By liberalizing the licensing scheme, NCC has made it easy for new fixed-wireless operators to enter the market even as it continues to keenly invest to achieve widespread connectivity in rural areas. An active and fairly free media is playing a key role in the transition to democracy, contributing to the ongoing peaceful election which has also been adjudged as the freest and fairest so far in the history of the country. With the country virtually debt free having benefited from the Paris Club debt relief initiative, there is real hope that with the right leadership, the countries infrastructure challenges will be addressed. A large, young population means a huge telecoms market and an abundant supply of cheap (albeit unskilled) labour, Weaknesses Poor state of infrastructure in the country increases the cost of building out networks and achieving optimum spread with resultant poor network quality and negative impact on customer growth and service usage, thus rural communities are poorly served. Price wars from intense competition have put downward pressure on ARPU rates. Country image is negative and corruption levels are high as Nigeria is placed at 134th out of 180 countries worldwide. Respect for Intellectual property rights is also low. Couple with this is the recent physical security risk to foreign workers in some regions of the country. Opportunities With no heavy debt servicing costs, Nigeria has the capacity to invest heavily in crucial infrastructure which will significantly lower the cost of doing business and eventually lower the cost of goods produced in country. A free and fair election and dividends from the ongoing efforts to tackle fraud and corruption will gradually improve the attractiveness of the Nigerian market and attract foreign investments even as the major operators continue to invest in developing the quality and reach of their network infrastructures, thus addressing service quality problems. The landing of several new submarine cables will make international bandwidth much cheaper enabling lower priced broadband services. New WiMAX licences and other technologies will make it easier to access the rural communities and unlock that market. Despite stepped up investment, the broadband penetration level is low. Mobile Telephony penetration at 50% still leaves significant growth potentials available to new entrants. The launch of mobile number portability will ease the ability of customers to change their service provider. Threats The introduction of compulsory mobile SIM registration for new customers in October 2010 will slow the growth experienced today in the sector. Probable removal of tax breaks for cellular operators will remove the incentives enjoyed by early-movers. Competition and regulatory measures are bringing down prices even as institutional invest continue to invest in the Nigerian market (e.g. South-Africas MTN, Indias Bharti Airtel and Etisalat of the UAE.) High levels of unemployment of a very young population presents a high risk of civil unrest which could be triggers by the current tension in the country as a result of the political wrangling and electioneering going on even as industrial action remains commonplace, and can disrupt normal business activity. Recommendations to potential new entrants Take a long term view Entrant into the Nigerian telecoms market at this time is a late-mover and would be exposed to a more informed and stronger regulator, tough competition from the early-movers and other late-movers, and a high cost of entry into the market (Ramamurti, 2000, p. 168) and as such should be cautious and not tempted to be too optimistic by the huge returns the early-movers made in Nigeria. Seek Alliances and Coopetition Opportunities. An entry strategy that seeks to create asset-light-virtual-operators (Turner, 2009, p. 449) by reducing significant investment in passive infrastructure e.g. towers, air-conditioning, generators and instead focuses on sharing these infrastructure with competition and shifts differentiation to quality of service and reach has been proven by Bharti Airtel (Prahalad Mashelkar, 2010, p. 136)to be quite a unique business model for developing economies, enabling cheaper cost of services and thus greater reach. Intensity of competition in the voice services will significantly reduce ARPU, however, the ongoing conversations around infrastructure sharing, the new licenses for the WiMAX technologies , the landing of MainOne and Glo1 submarine cables (BMI, Q1-2011, p. 49) all point to data, mobile broadband and value-added services being the next frontier of high growth in this market. MTN and Western Union have joined forces to introduce international remittances services to 21 countries in Africa excluding Nigeria (African Business, 2010, p. 6). The importance of this service in developing Africa is emphasized by Prof. Ophelia Mascarenhas et al quoted in (African Business, 2011, p. 6)as saying mobile phone firms should take a more serious approach to mobile banking servicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there is great potential for banking the unbankedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is of no use to the poor if the remittance of cash cannot be made because the services is still not available in both the urban and rural areas . The Central Bank of Nigeria is also churning out several policies and regulations to steer Nigerian banks towards inclusion of the unbanked population through electronic payment system. (Chima, 2011) Differentiate and Price Creatively Mobile applications with potential for social economic growth e.g. social networking applications, mobile banking, m-healthcare, m-education, m-policing, can help operators diversify their product base, generate extra revenue, attract new subscribers and lower churn rates (Kechiche, 2010). NCCs wire Nigeria (WiN) and State Accelerated Broadband Initiative (SABI) when completed will high bandwith broadband network throughout Nigeria, accelerating growth and ease of deployment of these mobile applications (Corporate Nigeria, 2010, p. 39). Value added services via mobile phones, e.g traffic policing in india (The Economist, 2009, p. 73)remain a huge opportunity in Nigeria (Nkanga, 2011) Prices will not fall as quickly with additional entry if customers value the differences enough to pay more to the firm that more closely serves their particular needs (Greenstein Mazzeo, 2006, p. 327) Make Pricing flexible and Price according to zones in Nigeria and ability to pay, offering combination of services and better matching prices and goods to the needs of the customers (Greenstein Mazzeo, 2006, p. 328). Look for opportunity to partner with equipment manufacturers to offer after sale services on user-end equipments, provide packages solutions that is viewed as a value added service and differentiates you from competition (Lal Strachan, 2007, p. 23) and possibly rental of infrastructure for transmission. Competing on price alone is not sustainable, there is often scope for differentiation based on quality of service, brand and support services and the inevitable flight to quality creates opportunity for premium pricing (Turner, 2009, p. 442). These are all benefits that come directly from a concentrated focus and deep understanding of a target market and response to their needs. Focus and Innovate Technology is one of the major determinants of change in the telecoms industry, along with the iterative liberalization in emerging markets that fuels aggressive competition, there is a need for key players in the industry to continual review their strategy for market and customer relevance (Lal Strachan, 2007, p. 22). This strategic adaptation is crucial in an emerging market characterized by environmental discontinuities, rapid changes and unpredictability. (Eunni, Post, Berger, 2005, p. 88) (Ramamurti, 2000) Late movers may quickly use newly available advanced technologies to their advantage (Kam, 2006, p. 502), not having the burden of sunk cost in built up network infrastructure, however the pace of changes in technologies in the telecom industry emphasizes the fact that these sort of advantages are short term and that enduring advantage would truly come from differentiation on quality of service.

Being a Teenage Mother Essays -- essays research papers

It was a beautiful afternoon on the bay of Huntington Beach. Just what would be expected of any regular day in California. The sun was shining inexplicably, as if it knew what was coming, the sky was clear with one cloud across the horizon, the sand was boiling and I could literally feel the bottom of my foot melting away. The air was scented with the sweetness of spring and refreshed by gentle breezes. There are families everywhere I look, playing endlessly with their kids, throwing beach balls around, tanning their bodies until it turns to ebony, walking their precious dogs, and riding their bicycles until their muscles deteriorated. The beach is adult’s playground. She appeared, emerged, surfaced, arrived fashionably late flaunting, showing, presenting, announcing her long, extended, elongated, svelte legs. Amanda stood at five foot eight. Her body was well taken care of and you could assume she spends hours in the gym. Her skin was tan, milky, and full of freckles all at the same time, her blonde hair extended all the way to her tiny hips. With a single blink, her piercing green-honey eyes would speak millions of words. She smelled like a manufactured Barbie fresh out of a box, a soft smell of vanilla and lavender. Her two and only treasures had tagged along as I expected they would. â€Å"Harmony put your sandals on, you are going to burn your feet†. Her voice was sweet and soft, undeniably the voice of a caring mother. â€Å"Sorry I’m late, I had to stop by the pharmacy to get Adam’s medicine. Harmony and Adam are her rock and her shoulder to lean on. Harmony now seven, remembers the nights her mother would stay up all night crying, turning herself upside down, loosing herself waiting for something that she hoped was the end to ... ... a teenager's life. Most of the girls overlook their dreams of happy marriage, college is most of the time out of the question, and graduating High School becomes a goal the majority of teenage moms don't attain. Amanda took another exit out, she opted for the exit where everybody comes out a winner. It is true that teenagers are inexperienced and often need help in raising their kids, but they’ve got just as much love for their children as any other mother who isn’t a teenager does. A baby gives something to look forward to and something that gives meaning to life. Yes, it is hard but as Amanda herself said it. â€Å"I only regret the things that I didn’t do in my life, and I without my kids I don’t know where my life would be, maybe it would have been better, but to me it doesn’t matter. I’ve got all I need next to me†, as she hugs them both warmly at the same time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Evolution of C++ as a Programming Language Essay -- Information Te

The Evolution of C++ as a Programming Language C++ is a very useful programming language. Many educational curriculums will include either C or C++ as the tool entry-level programmers will use to learn the syntax, semantics, and data structures key to effective programming that is required of computer scientists. C++ is such a diverse language, one cannot help but wonder how it became the popular language it is today, and this paper is going to demonstrate just that. Introduction to CPL Cis the great-grandfather of C++, designed in 1963. It is short for â€Å"Combined Programming Language.† Many features within CPL are from, or are largely based on, Algol 60, which was a programming language developed in the early 1960’s. It was designed jointly by members of the University Mathematical Laboratory in Cambridge and the University of London Computer Unit. CPL was designed to be not just a mathematical calculation tool, but had support for uses in many non-mathematical applications as well. One of the biggest differences between Algol and CPL was the attempt to improve upon Algol’s precision with mathematical calculation. Algol commonly generalized different types of data in order to provide ease of manipulation, especially with simulation, but its precision suffered as a result. CPL is generally made up of definitions, different kinds of data types and expressions, and commands, which manipulate that data. Code is split up into sections called blocks, made up of one or more definitions and one or more commands, which was a feature directly drawn from Algol. Numerical and non-numerical data types were referenced through index registers using names, either a single lower-case character or a series of upper-case alphanumeric ch... ... retrieved 10/12/04 from Thompson, K. 1996. Users' Reference to B, retrieved 10/12/04 from Ritchie, D.M. 2003. The development of the C language. Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies. Retrieved 10/12/04 from Martin Richards's BCPL Reference Manual, 2002. Published in1967. Retrieved 10/12/04 from Barron, D.W; Buxton, J.N; Hartley, D.F; Nixon, E; Strachey, C. 1963. The main features of CPL. The Computer Journal. Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 134-143. Cambridge, UK. Retrieved 11/20/04 from Stroustrup, B. 1997. The C++ programming language, 3rd edition. Published by Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, in 1998.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Romeo and Juliet - Friar Laurence Essay -- English Literature Essays

Romeo and Juliet - Friar Laurence To what extent is Friar Laurence responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? The Friar is answerable for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, but only to some degree. Often, because of his involvement in the lives of the lovers, Friar Laurence can be seen as more responsible for their deaths than he actually is, although in the last scene the Friar is partially responsible for the death of Juliet. However his responsibility is mild compared to the accountability of other influences in the lovers’ lives, including friends, parents and the idea of fate or fortune. Even Romeo and Juliet themselves can be blamed to some extent for the tragedy. Although it often appears that the Friar is responsible for events leading to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, in reality it is usually other influences that are accountable. For instance, the Friar’s plan (giving Juliet the sleeping potion to evade the wedding to Paris, then spiriting her to Mantua until Romeo could return to Verona) was not flawed in itself. Unfortunately however, Balthazar, seeing Juliet’s funeral, hastened to tell Romeo that he â€Å"saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault,† (5, 1, 20). It was this information that made him, and later Juliet, commit suicide. Again, while marrying Romeo and Juliet may seem like an irresponsible action, it did not contribute to the lovers’ deaths. Their first meeting, based on chance, and their separation, as a result of Romeo’s banishment, played a...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Case Study Freedomof Movement

Freedom of Movement Chaining Townsend palm Beach State College The way the court should the decide this case to support the European Union's commitment to labor mobility between member states is that they need to make a list of things they can do and have everyone in the court vote to see which suggestion is the best one. I don't think people out-side of the country should be getting a child raising allowance check from Germany. Even if they use to live in the country. If they wanted the check they should have stayed in Germany.Plus the plaintiffs husband works in Germany and the plaintiff herself works for border control. That means they can still live in Germany where it would be better for them to live and would still get a child raising allowance check every month. If the courts made a list of suggestions, then they can have multiple things that can happen. Also, if the one thing that they voted on just so happens to fail then what they can do is go over the list to see â€Å"wh at is the next best thing to do for the case. † Lastly the court will need to make that the people of Germany and Europe would not have a pacific problem with what the courts choose.If the citizens do not care for the court's opinion the bad things will happen, like riots and protests. The similarities between Germany and Austria to Illinois and Indiana is they are both between two different places. What mean about this is that Germany is its own country and Austria is also its own country while Illinois and Indiana are both their own states. Now the similarities between the child raising allowance law and the unemployment law are that they are both place to help out the community. Also they are both used to help people outside of the country or the state.They are both very helpful laws and are I am sure they are greatly appreciated by the people affected by them. The differences between the child raising allowance law and the unemployment law is that the child raising allowan ce law is for people in Germany that have children and only part time jobs, while the unemployment law is for people have either lost their job or never had one. But the unemployment law has nothing to do with whether the person has a child or not. Also Illinois and Indiana are a part of one country when Germany and Austria are two different countries and have different governmental spoke persons.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Effects OF Watching Too Much Television Essay

Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. But the problem is that watching television for long periods of time has many bad effects. The purpose of this essay is to persuade the reader that people shouldn’t watch too much television. The first reason why people shouldn’t watch television for long periods of time is that it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities. This wasted time could be used to make useful activities like exercising, interacting with friends and family, and reading. The second reason is that the content of many television programs is not educational. Movies and series nowadays have lots of violence, sex, and drugs scenes. This tendency has very dangerous impact on children because they grow up with the idea of a world where problems can only be solved with money and violence and where wars are inevitable. The third reason is that watching television increases the audience desire in eating which causes obesity. Because they always sit in front of the screen and they forget to do physical exercises. After the invention of television on 1923, it is found that the rate of obesity, heart attacks, and eyesight problems is increasing. According to a new study, watching television too much increases the risk of dying at an earlier age, especially from heart disease. This research says that every hour you spend in front of the television increases the risk of dying from heart disease by 18 percent and increases the overall risk of death by 11 percent. However this doesn’t mean that we should ban television, but if we are going to watch it, we should do it with moderation.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Principle and Practise of Management

International Case : Carrefour — Which Way to Go? Wal-Mart's biggest global competitor is the big French retailer Carretour, a firm that has hypermarkets, big stores offering a variety of goods. It has made large investments around the globe in Latin America and China. But not all is well as competitors taking market share its home market, for instance. There has been even speculation of a takeover by Wal-Mart or Tesco, an English chain. Mr. Barnard has been ousted after heading the company for 12 years; he was replaced by Jose Luis Durant who is of German-Spanish descent. Although the global expansion is cited by some as success, it may be even a big mistake. It withdrew from Japan and sold 29 hypermarkets in Mexico. Carrefour also had problems competing with Tesco in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In Germany, the company faced tough competition from Aldi and Lidle, two successful discounters. On the other hand, it bought stores in Poland, Italy, Turkey, and opened new stores in China, South Korea, and Columbia. Carrefour has become more careful in selecting markets. But. the company is eager to enter the Indian market, but found out in late 2006 that Wal-Mart will do so as well. In France, where Carrefour is well established, the company made the big mistake in its pricing policy. It probably started with the 1999 merger with Promodes, the French discount chain. Carrefour confused the French clientele by losing its low-cost image; whether the image can be changed remains to be seen. Mr. Durant, the new CEO since 2005, embarked on the new strategy by offering 15 percent new products in its hypermarkets and 10 percent in its supermarkets. Moreover, he wants to employ more staff, extend the operating hours in certain hypermarkets, cutting prices, trying small stores, and pushing down decision making. Mr. Durant aims to stay only in countries where Carrefour is among the top retailers.

Medication Errors: Causes and Problems Reporting Essay

In the early morning hours of a 12-hour night shift, a nurse gives the patient an incorrect medication. The aspirin given was ordered for the patient in the next room. Medication errors are common in the hospital setting and especially by a nurse who is fatigued from working a 12-hour shift. In the situation described, should the nurse report the error or assume that the incident is not worth reporting since it was only aspirin? Surprisingly, according to Covell and Ritchie (2009) most medication errors are simply overlooked. â€Å"Nurses estimate that only between 25% and 63% of medication errors are actually reported† (p. 287). This estimation may seem low to some; however, other researchers estimate that the voluntary reporting of medication errors may be even lower. In 2009, Jones and Treiber found that less than 5% of medication errors are reported. Medications are typically ordered by physicians, but it is ultimately the nurses’ responsibility to administer the correct medication. There are several steps in this process and unfortunately when one step is altered, a medication error can occur. Preventing errors has been and continues to be an important aspect of nursing. I believe that in order to provide patients with the best possible care it is important for nurses to understand the common reported causes of medication errors, problems in reporting errors, and their role in medication prevention and reporting. Throughout this paper I will discuss the medication error issues described above and their importance and impact on the nursing profession. Topics discussed in this paper include the common causes of medication errors, perceived problems with reporting medication errors, and the importance of medication errors to the profession of nursing. Common Causes of Medication Errors Nurse Correlated Causes Even though preventative measures are taken, nurses are often still the cause of medication errors. Medication administration is a major intervention in nursing and when distracted or fatigued it is easy for simple mistakes to occur that normally would not have happened. The five rights are taught to all nurses at some point in their education as the basic technique to help reduce the occurrence of medication errors; however, many nurses fail to consistently and accurately utilize these measures. According to a study of 775 nurses conducted by Jones and Treiber (2010), 79% of participants believed that failure to follow the five rights of medication administration causes the majority of medication errors. Other nurse-correlated causes identified by Jones and Treiber (2010) include distractions and interruptions of the nurse, high patient nurse ratios, and lack of proper education along with fatigue and exhaustion. Types of factors that are directly related to nurses are considered internal causes of medication errors. However, literature shows that a combination of internal and external variables within the nursing environment contribute to medication errors. Unfortunately, actions by nurses and failures to follow common nursing protocols directly place the responsibility of medication errors on the nursing profession. Other Associated Causes It is also important to consider causes of errors other than the common internal causes directly correlated to nurses. A common external cause of medication errors is miscommunication. Miscommunication can occur in several different ways, but it often involves miscommunication from the initial prescription by physicians. Brady, Malone, and Fleming (2009) found that, â€Å"ineffective written and verbal communication in relation to prescriptions contribute to medication errors, particularly between nurses and physicians† (p. 692). Quite often, handwriting is not legible when prescriptions are written which results in medication errors. Since many drugs look and sound similar, it is easy for nurses to confuse handwriting. An example involves the medications, Vioxx, Ziox, and Zyvox. These medications sound very similar; however, they are used for very different treatments. Confusion by the nurse in writing a verbal order or in reading the order related to one of these three medications could result in immense consequences. In a survey of 983 registered nurses, Brady et al. (2009) likewise concluded that poor handwriting ranks among the top three causes of medication errors. In addition, there are many other factors that have been shown to contribute to medication errors including incomplete patient information, use of abbreviations, unavailable drug information, lack of appropriate packaging and labeling of meds, and environmental factors such as bad lighting. Understanding the cause of medication errors is an important step to decrease the occurrence and prevent future errors from occurring. Unfortunately, reporting of errors is still a large problem among the nursing profession. Perceived Problems with Reporting Barriers to Reporting Most nurses would agree that medication errors should be reported when they occur, yet medication errors are still underreported. A survey conducted by Jones and Treiber (2010) found that among nurses, â€Å"94% either strongly agreed or agreed that medication errors should be reported even when no harm resulted to the patient (p. 243).† Based on these findings, it is obvious that there is some inconsistency between actual occurrence and reporting. These findings also suggest that there may be barriers to reporting. Barriers to reporting can be broken down into four major groups according to research from both Koohestani and Baghcheghi (2009) and Covell and Ritchie (2009). The major groups are inadequate definition, fear, reporting process, and administrative process. Surveys conducted by Covell and Ritchie (2009), determined that fear ranked as the highest barrier to reporting since â€Å"participants indicated that they were most fearful of adverse consequences from reporting medication errors† (p. 289). Findings by Koohestani and Baghcheghi’s (2009) regarding barriers to reporting by nursing students also demonstrated fear as the strongest perceived barrier. Their research indicated that among nursing students the fear of, â€Å"decreasing evaluation score and introducing educational problems† along with â€Å"instructor’s reprimand† ranked as the highest barriers (p. 70). Surprisingly, both studies ranked the process of reporting, time to fill out proper forms and time to contact physician, as having the least impact on reporting. Increased Reporting The large number of medication errors and the lack of reporting suggest a need for change among the nursing profession. According to research findings from a study conducted by Drach-Zachavy & Pud (2010), â€Å"Approximately every third patient, on average, is exposed to some sort of deviation from the regulations when receiving medication. Yet, when nurses were confronted with these findings, they tended to dismiss their gravity and argued that they were trivial in the hospital context† (p.801). One way to improve the problem of medication errors is to draw attention to the issue. This can be done by increased reporting of errors among the nursing profession. However, due to the barriers of reporting described by nurses, establishing a concrete system to improve reporting has been difficult. Most nurses are aware that underreporting of medication errors does occur; however, they still fail to report. Education about proper reporting and awareness of the issue has been shown to increase reporting among nurses. Research shows that the major barrier to reporting medication errors is fear; therefore, reducing fear is a major component to increase reporting. Strategies to reduce fear include procedures to, â€Å"ensure that the processes used for reporting medication errors are respectful† (Covell & Ritchie, 2009, p. 295). It is also important for administrators and nursing managers to create a working environment conducive to reporting, one that encourages and supports reporting of errors (Koohestani & Baghcheghi, 2009, p. 73). Another strategy to improve reporting deals with the process of reporting. Although the process of reporting was considered the lowest barrier to reporting, research still suggests that improving this process can lead to better reporting of outcomes. Brady et al. (2009) suggest that electronic reporting systems improve reporting. This type of system improves the reporting process by making it easier. There is significantly less paperwork required, and the fear associated with reporting is significantly reduced. In order to change the lack of reporting of medication errors, the perceived problems with reporting need to be improved. The first step in this improvement starts within the nursing profession. Recognizing that nurses play an active role in preventing and reporting medication errors will help to decrease the number of errors. However, the distinct role of nurses in reporting medications errors needs further discussion. Importance to the Nursing Profession Role of Nurses The major role of nurses in the process of medication errors is first and foremost prevention. To help prevent errors, nurses must first recognize why medication errors occur and make an effort to eliminate the source. They must also strive to actively follow implemented guidelines and procedures. For example, consistently practicing the five of rights of medication administration has been shown to decrease the occurrence of errors. According to Brady et al. (2009) the major role of nurses is to, â€Å"take appropriate steps to develop and maintain competence in relation to all aspects of medication management† (p. 694). Education plays a key role in maintaining nursing competence; therefore, it is imperative to remain up to date with current knowledge, evidence based practice, and skills. Once a medication error occurs, the most important role of the nurse is to report. Brady et al. (2009) concludes that, â€Å"reporting medication errors is pivotal in improving the medication management process† (p. 694). Reporting is critical for nurses because it is a legal and ethical concern in the nursing profession. Nurses must consistently report all errors and also encourage other health care professionals to report as well. Overall, the most important roles among nursing professionals are to administer medications safely and accurately, report errors consistently, and adhere to the American Nurses’ Association Code of Ethics. Concluding Integration Reconsider the medication error discussed at the beginning of this paper. As the nurse in the situation, I might not have initially reported the medication error. I might have only informed the charge nurse of my mistake. After researching this topic, my views on medication errors and reporting have changed. I now have a greater understanding of the impact that an active nursing role can have in reducing medication errors. I believe that the implications of medication errors are important because medication administration is a key nursing role. Throughout my nursing career I will administer medications to thousands of patients. Unfortunately, I will likely be the cause of at least one medication error. According to the literature, medication errors do occur. Therefore, it is important to recognize causes so that steps can be made toward preventing medication errors. I believe that measures such as proper training and additional education are the best methods to preventing medication errors. It is also very important for nurses to actively practice safe medication administration by taking a â€Å"back to basics† approach and utilizing simple techniques such as the five rights. Furthermore, I believe that the best way to improve reporting is to reduce the fear surrounding reporting. One way to do this would be to initiate online reporting systems. In my future nursing practice, it will ultimately be my responsibility to administer the correct medication to patients. In order to provide patients with the best outcomes, it is important for nurses to understand the implications of medication errors. References Bradley, A. M., Malone, A. M., & Fleming, S. (2009). A literature review of the individual and system factors that contribute to medication errors in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 17, 679-697. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2009.00995.x Covell, C. L., & Ritchie, J. A. (2009). Nurses’ responses to medication errors: Suggestions for the development of organizational strategies to improve reporting. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24, 287-297. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0b013e3181a4d506 Drach-Zahavy, A., & Pud, D. (2010). Learning mechanisms to limit medication administration errors. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 794-805. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-26482010.05294.x Jones, J. H., & Treiber, L. (2010). When the 5 rights go wrong: Medication errors from the nursing perspective. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 25, 240-247. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0b013e3181d5b948 Koohestani, H. R., & Baghcheshi, N. (2009). Barriers to the reporting of medication administration errors among nursing students. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24 (1), pp. 66-74. 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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bioethics and Health Care

Introduction: The controversy over water fluoridation in the community arises from moral, ethical, political and security issues related to water fluoridation. As early as 1930 there was an inverse relationship between the fluoride concentration in drinking water and the presence of caries. The use of public water for transporting drugs such as fluorination violates medical ethics. Ethical issues related to water fluoridation include the balance of risks and benefits, the presence of other interventions with the same consequences, and the role of consent. For more than a decade, bioethics and health care professionals have struggled to determine the exact meaning of being medically ineffective. The word waste comes from the Latin futilis. In other words, it is easy to melt. It is a common usage developed from the Greek legend that the daughter of King Arnaus of Argos killed her husband and as a punishment they were forced to gather water permanently in a bucket that leaked water. To reach the empty bucket destination, when the goal is water, provide useless definitions as less or invalid. With the rapid development of medical technology, the work of medical staff is to investigate the resulting ethical dilemma. This is where bioethics works. By applying ethical principles to the medical field, bioethics aims to research and study ways to make decisions on health management. It is a core element to ensure that medical practices and procedures will benefit society as a whole. I explained that the term bioethics was originally introduced in 1971 to refer to a combination of biology, biological science and human knowledge. However, its uses such as clinical decisions, controversial new research, the impact of new technologies, global concerns, public policy, etc. are more widespread today. In fact, bioethics has played a central role in affecting policy changes and laws in recent years. Detailed discussion on current bioethical issues affecting the provision of med ical services. Exploring ethical theory and related principles as a basis for occupational decision making and public policy decision. The course focuses on ethics research process and modern health practices, the relationship between research and education. The historical and comparative analysis of the Western, non-Western, indigenous and indigenous American philosophy includes the essential, aesthetic and utility value of nature and land. We will study modern environmental ethics in detail, such as deep ecology, land ethics, eco feminism, animal rights theory.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why are you interested in the degree programmes (graduate Essay

Why are you interested in the degree programmes (graduate programme-mechanical engineering) at Nanyang technological university - Essay Example Mentorship from my uncle is another reason for my course selection. He has great passion for his profession and tells me that the scope of aeronautical engineering is interesting and therefore motivational. This means that aeronautical engineers are able to derive utility from their job and this reduces chances of career mobility at later stages of life that can have its disadvantages such as difficulties in self-establishment and development in the new career. My subjects selection at the CBSE level of study and the level of competence that I have developed in mathematics and physics are other reasons for my choice of mechanical engineering because I am confident of the potential to succeed in the course that require physics and mathematics knowledge as a prerequisite. In addition, I have developed personal interest in aeronautical engineering and I do enjoy flights and spending time at airports, watching aeronautical engineers in the hanger. I also prefer Nanyang Technical Universi ty because it is an established institution with reputable facilities and academic staff. Interaction with my uncle, an aeronautical engineer, long-term passion in the scope of mechanical engineering, proper subject selection at the CBSE syllabus, and passion for aeronautical engineering are my motivation into the cause. I am confident that they will motivate my success in the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Hong Kong Disneyland Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hong Kong Disneyland - Research Proposal Example The plan consists of establishing six concepts generalizing the whole theme park. These concepts include Main Street USA concept (which is the dramatic entry to the park), Fantasyland concept (which will highlight the Disney animated characters and stories), Toontown concept (that provides venue for the visitors to actually meet the Disney characters in a whimsical roller coaster), the Adventureland concept (which will highlight several of the movies produced by Disney such as the Lion King), the Frontierland concept (where the visitors will feel the breeze of the Old Western living), and the Tomorrowland concept (showcasing the world of sci-fi fantasies and adventure). The plan also includes three to four Disney - themed resort hotels offering up to 2,100 hotel rooms to be constructed adjacent to the Park. A variety of shopping and dining experiences within proposed 28,000-square-meter retail, dining, and entertainment complex is also part of the initial plan for overall Hong Kong D isneyland experience   The tourists from who visited Hong Kong Disneyland have varied feedbacks about the said tourist attraction. Some are satisfied with the theme park while there are some who thinks that this is just pure media hype. Some of the interviewed visitors revealed that: The site is very good. Having Disneyland here in Hong Kong, which is very near to my country, is a very good idea. Disneyland is very famous. Having this in Hong Kong means that we don't need to go to the US or to another country just to know what is inside Disneyland." - Akona Leh, from Shen Zhen China.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

How well do credit markets function in developing countries Discuss Essay

How well do credit markets function in developing countries Discuss with reference to relevant theory and evidence - Essay Example This persistency has not been justified by the lender’s hypothesis. The term used is the widespread rationing which refers to the fact that the investors and the creditors are not loaned in the ratios in which the loans are required. The formal credit has a link with the person’s wealth. The formal as well as the informal providers of the credit are inclusive of the local money lenders, landlords, the shopkeepers, relatives as well as the friends (Karlan 4). In the case of the informal credit markets, the borrowers have access to only a small number of credit markets as well as the finance institutions and money lenders. There are many arguments given, including the collateral being offered for the aim of securing the loans and it may be considered to be of higher values for the money lenders. Thereby, the lenders may be attempting to make the loans with the aim of acquisition of the assets that are often given as collateral (Townsend 67). These goals are achieved by setting the interest rates higher, thus leaving the borrower with lesser options but to be the defaulter. These reasons mark the inequalities in the land rates as well as the bonded labour as this has been especially noticed in the poorer countries and these regions have been known for uncertainties (Morduch 180). Microfinance, specially the ones used in the loans to be given out to the micro creditors, has been considered as collateral as well as costly and labour intensive. If the banks start to take interests on the microfinance, that is able to generate to the profits. The main need of the banks shall be the greater number of the micro creditors (Ray 23). The credit shall be given to these micro creditors according to the finances that are needed by them. The interest rates in the developed countries are higher as compared to the countries that are less rich. On an average, the banks have 900,000 clients for the micro credits